Diet. Büşra Kaya


Diet. Büşra Kaya

She graduated from the Near East University, Department of Health Sciences in 2013. She completed her clinical training at Ege University and Near East University Faculty of Medicine hospitals in 2013. 
Between 2013 and 2016, she worked as an institution, clinic and polyclinic dietitian in Istanbul Private Pendik regions. The courses she took and the congresses she attended during her education and business life are: 
Gazi University 2nd Obesity Dietitian Course, Medipol University Nutrition and Carbohydrate Counting in Childhood and Adolescent Type 1 Diabetes Course, Moody International Certification HACCP, Moody International Certification ISO 22000, 1st National Nutrition and Dietetics Congress,  Renal dietitian certificate programme, 4th National and 1st Mediterranean Metabolic Diseases and Morbid Obesity Surgery Congress,  Endoscopic Methods Course, Restrictive Methods Course, Malabsorptive Methods Course, Phytotheraphy, Nutritional Supplements and Joint Health Seminar, Conference: One Step Ahead with Your Behaviours with Versatile Behaviour Skill, Conference for Current Approaches in Weighing Methods. Dietitian Büşra Kaya is married and has one child.
She has served thousands of patients in the hospitals she has worked. Treatments she has given as a nutritionist:
• Sportspeople’s Nutrition
• Weight loss Treatment in Obese Patients
• Weight Gain in Low-Weight Patients
• Medical Nutrition Therapy in Chronic Diseases
o In Diabetic Patients
o In Hypertension Patients
o Fatty liver
o Hyperlipidaemia
o Chronic Kidney Failure
o Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
o Hashimoto
o Hyperthyroidism
o Hypothyroidism
o Constipation
o Diarrhea
o Ulcerative Colitis
o Crohn's
o Gastritis
o Complementary treatments for vitamin and mineral deficiencies
o Functional Nutrition Therapy
• Medical Nutrition Therapy in Pregnancy - Lactation
• Medical Nutrition Therapy in Paediatric Diseases

Dietician Diet. Büşra Kaya

Dietician Diet. Büşra Kaya


She graduated from the Near East University, Department of Health Sciences in 2013. She completed her clinical training at Ege University and Near East University Faculty of Medicine hospitals in 2013. 
Between 2013 and 2016, she worked as an institution, clinic and polyclinic dietitian in Istanbul Private Pendik regions. The courses she took and the congresses she attended during her education and business life are: 
Gazi University 2nd Obesity Dietitian Course, Medipol University Nutrition and Carbohydrate Counting in Childhood and Adolescent Type 1 Diabetes Course, Moody International Certification HACCP, Moody International Certification ISO 22000, 1st National Nutrition and Dietetics Congress,  Renal dietitian certificate programme, 4th National and 1st Mediterranean Metabolic Diseases and Morbid Obesity Surgery Congress,  Endoscopic Methods Course, Restrictive Methods Course, Malabsorptive Methods Course, Phytotheraphy, Nutritional Supplements and Joint Health Seminar, Conference: One Step Ahead with Your Behaviours with Versatile Behaviour Skill, Conference for Current Approaches in Weighing Methods. Dietitian Büşra Kaya is married and has one child.
She has served thousands of patients in the hospitals she has worked. Treatments she has given as a nutritionist:
• Sportspeople’s Nutrition
• Weight loss Treatment in Obese Patients
• Weight Gain in Low-Weight Patients
• Medical Nutrition Therapy in Chronic Diseases
o In Diabetic Patients
o In Hypertension Patients
o Fatty liver
o Hyperlipidaemia
o Chronic Kidney Failure
o Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
o Hashimoto
o Hyperthyroidism
o Hypothyroidism
o Constipation
o Diarrhea
o Ulcerative Colitis
o Crohn's
o Gastritis
o Complementary treatments for vitamin and mineral deficiencies
o Functional Nutrition Therapy
• Medical Nutrition Therapy in Pregnancy - Lactation
• Medical Nutrition Therapy in Paediatric Diseases


Bahçelerarası Mahallesi, Mithatpaşa Caddesi, No: 24/A, AGORA AVM Yanı, Balçova / İzmir


+90 (232) 398 02 04


[email protected]


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